Art Design and Digital Culture 
Fall 2024

Course Description

This course is an introduction to the fundamental perception, representation, aesthetics, and design that shape today's visual culture. It addresses the way artists and designers create images; design with analog and digital tools; communicate, exchange, and express meaning over a broad range of media; and find their voices within the fabric of contemporary art, design, and visual culture. Emphasis is placed on building an extended form of visual literacy by studying and making images using a variety of representation techniques; learning to organize and structure two-dimenstional and three-dimensional space, and designing with time-based and procedural media. Students learn to develop an individual style of idea-generation, experimentation, iteration, and critique as part of their creative and critical responses to visual culture.

Door code 4253

You can also text/call me if you need to get in touch

Assignment #3

Produce a series of 4 - 5 short videos with a total run time of under 7 minutes. The individual videos can range from 15 seconds to 6 minutes. Together they will make a full piece. The video can be shot on your phone camera, a camera rented from the cage or it can be found footage. The videos may or may not be sound. If you use sounds be careful to not make a music video. It must be edited in Premiere Pro. It can be a formalist work, conceptual or both. The subject matter should engage the theme of digital culture.

Please export as a .mp4 or .mov file

Example artists to screen for inspiration:

Jan Ader (various works)     

Adel Abdessemed

Andy Warhol's SCREEN TESTS (1964-1966);KISS (1963)

Richard Serra  HAND CATCHING LEAD(1968)

Francis Alys     (various works)

Roman Signor  (various works)

Chris Burden   TELEVISION COMMERCIALS   (1973-77)

Doug Aitken    THESE  RESTLESS MINDS (1998); MIGRATIONS (2009)

Cheryl  Donegan    Head

Alex DaCorte   Chelsea Hotel  no. 2  

Martine Syms  NOTES ON GESTURE   (2015)

Marina Abramovic and Ulay   (various works)

Valie Export     (various works)    

Vito Acconci    (various works)

Phil Collins       El Mundo Non Excuchar            

Kate Gilmore   Built To Burst, Rock Hard Place

Eva Kotatkova Behind Between Over Under